Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Everything in Between!

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May 25, 2009

Molten Core Chicken, by Anise

This recipe is simple to make, but it has some ingredients that not everyone may have. So, get your butt out to the store! ;)

If you're a sissy when it comes to hot n' spicy, then skip this dish. It might not be as hot as a volcano, but it's pretty well up there on a lot of folks' spicy threshold.

What you need:
2 chicken breasts, cut into the smallest pieces you can get
However much garlic you like. It's a sin, but I use the stuff in the jar. ;)
As many Bird's Eye (or other hot) Chiles as you can handle (I usually use 3-4.)
1 Tbsp fish sauce
1 Tbsp soy sauce (I don't measure these, just glug it in until it looks like enough)
2 cups Fresh Basil (I like to use freeze-dried basil as my plants die all the time, so I use enough to coat the chicken), chopped up into little ribbons (chiffonade, if you're fancy)
1 tsp sugar
3/4 tsp Sambal Oelek (red chili paste)
Enough Sriracha to make your eyes water (I have to go light on this as my fiance doesn't like spicy, I just keep the bottle on my desk for my own purposes.)
Pepper to taste
Oil for cookin'
Rice for servin'

Step 1. Heat up the oil in your pan. In the meantime, chop up your chiles, leaving the seeds intact.

Step 2. Add the chiles and your garlic (from the jar or minced) to the hot oil. Fry this for 2-3 minutes or until nice and fragrant.

Step 3. Add the finely chopped chicken and cook for 3-4 minutes.

Step 4. Add the soy sauce, fish sauce, sugar, sambal oelek, and sriracha. Continue to cook until the chicken is done, another 3-4 minutes. At this point the sauce is sort of thin, so I cook on med-high heat until it reduces to where it is not too saucy, but it more clings to the chicken.

Step 5. Add the basil (if you use freeze dried, toss in a handful, that should be enough to coat) and pepper (I do about 12 grinds of the ol' mill, your mileage may vary). Cook until the basil is wilted (or if freeze-dried, until reconstituted) and serve over rice.
Add more sriracha if needed. :3

**Optional** Try this recipe with a little Cumin!

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