Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Everything in Between!

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May 31, 2009

Mirage Raceway Rice Dishes, by Wrathfulfury

Here are four great ways to prepare delicious rice and chicken dinners! Basically, when you choose which flavor you'd like, add the extra ingredients into Step 1 of your rice preparation.

What you need:
1 large pan with a lid
Olive Oil (Don't be stingy, you will need for frying the rice too.)
1-2 Onions; diced and sauteed
1-1/2 cups Long Grain Rice, uncooked
1-2 Chicken breasts, cooked

**Note** If your chicken is not cooked, here is a tip to cook it faster. Chop the chicken into small pieces, and cook the chicken in a skillet on high with a little olive oil. This will take about 3-6 minutes depending on the size and amount you use. You can be cooking your chicken while you're chopping your veggies, and starting on the rice. Just add it into the rice when it is cooked.

For the Rices:

Step 1. If you are starting from scratch, cook your rice. To cook it use 1 cup or rice, 2 cups of liquid. You can add the onion now, or after 10 minutes of the simmer (in Step 2).

Step 2. Put this all in a sauce pot and bring to a boil. Once it starts boiling, cover the rice and turn the temperature down to medium-low. Let it simmer for 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally (basically after 10 minutes stir it, and again at 15 or 20).

Wrathfulfury's 4 Seasoning Variations
These four recipes taste particularly good with the Ancona Chickens you can get down at the Mirage Raceway track. You can substitute the Anconas with supermarket chickens.

**Remember** These seasonings are variations that should be added in Step 1 of your rice preparation.

Basic Seasoned Chicken Rice
Instead of cooking the rice in water, use 1 cup of white wine, and 1 can of chicken broth.

Add diced carrot into the rice with your diced onion. Also, add a can of corn (or about a handful of frozen corn).

Tequila and Lime Chicken Rice
Instead of cooking the rice in water, use 1 cup of tequila, 2 cups of salsa, and 1 cup of chicken broth.

Add diced green chillies and corn to taste.

Jerked Chicken Rice
Instead of water, use 1/2 cup jerk seasoning, 1 cup rum, and 1 can of chicken broth.

Add diced carrot, celery, and bell pepper to onions.

Teriyaki Chicken Rice
Instead of water, use 1 cup sake, 1 cup teriyaki sauce, and 1/2-1 cup of chicken broth.

Add diced carrots, peas, and bits of pineapple. Yum!

Tasty Rice Ideas: Cashew Chicken with Ginger, Mirage Raceway Rice Dishes, by Wrathfulfury, Dazrel's Southshore Sweet'n'sour Chicken, Mmm Rice Dinners! Apple n' Chicken Stir Fry, Tips for Perfectly Steamed Rice, by Grizelle.

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