Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Everything in Between!

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May 16, 2009

Banana Nut Bread for Kaydough!

This is a great recipe to make when you're going to be at your computer for a long period of time; where you really cannot pop up and check on what you're cooking. Think about power-housing though a few dungeons, or an intense pvp session. Actually, it's named after Kaydough, because he likes to kill my poor little mage when he's on his hunter. He doesn't even have to do more than set his pet on her. >.< So while I am running from him, I have a treat to soothe my ego baking away.

It takes about 7-10 minutes to prepare, and an hour to bake. It is also very forgiving if you forget about it for a bit longer. I left one in for an extra 20ish minutes one time, and it was still delicious! Basically, I put it in the oven and pretty much forget about it. You will begin to really smell it baking when it's getting closer to finished.

If you have bananas that are almost on their way out, this is a simple recipe that will help you use them up.

What you need:
3 ripe (or overripe) bananas
3 egg whites
2 cups of flour
3/4 cup of sugar
1 stick (8 tablespoons) of butter, softened but not melted
1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of baking soda
4 tablespoons of milk
**Optional** 1/3 cup of chopped or ground walnuts
**Optional** 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
**Optional** 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves

Step 1. Preheat your over to 350. Grease and flour a 9x5 bread pan.

Step 2. Mash the bananas in a large bowl. If you do not like chopped walnuts you can toss them into a food processor (or a coffee grinder) to make them into a buttery texture. Be careful not to burn out your grinder's motor by frequently scraping the walnut-butter out with a spoon.

Step 3. Cream the softened butter with the sugar.

Step 4. Mix all the ingredients into the large mixing bowl, and stir until even. Pour contents into the bread pan.

Step 5. Bake at 350 for 1 hour. When the bread is finished the surface will be brown, and will have formed cracks.

Let the bread cool out of the pan, for about 10-15 minutes before slicing. Don't worry, it will slide right out of the pan. And, it will still be toasty!

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