Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Everything in Between!

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April 30, 2009

Submit Your Own Favorite Quick Recipes!

Want to see some of your own recipes on this page? Send your recipes for snacks and easy meals to Please put the title of your recipe in the subject line.

Submission Requirements:
1. The food must be tasty! No science experiments please. Be original, but not gross.

2. The prep time for each dish should take approximately 5 minutes. If your dish takes a little longer, be sure to include that in your description. I do not want dishes that you have to watch too closely.

3. Longer cook times are preferred for meals. The food must not burn too quickly. Remember this is for gamers and other internet surfers who may not be able to get away from their computers exactly at the finished cook time.

4. Please spell out your easy to follow instructions for the cookin' noobs. Also include a description for the recipe.

5. Choose recipes that use ingredients that most people would have on hand, or that can be gotten easily.

6. Please submit pictures of your dish in high quality bitmap, or png format.

Don't forget to send in your snack, sandwich and quick dessert recipes.

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