Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Everything in Between!

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April 30, 2009

Meat Loaf--Prep this in just 5 minutes!

Meatballs are a favorite dish, but they need to be watched and turned when they cook. They also can take a considerable amount of time to roll each ball. So instead of meatballs, I recommend this meatloaf recipe. It’s easy, fast to make and has a lengthy cook time so most of you won’t burn it if you get stuck for a few extra minutes at your computer.

For example, if you’re sitting in Dalaran waiting for WG to start, the 5 minute preparation time is easy to squeeze in and the loaf will bake during the battle—providing that the other faction doesn’t just run away scurred…sissies!

What you need:
1.5 lbs of ground beef
1/2 can of Italian spiced tomatoes (drain the juice out). Save the rest for another recipe!
1 egg (not cooked, scrambled)
1.5-2 cups of Italian seasoned breadcrumbs
1/2 medium size onion minced (If you want your prep time reduced, you can use dried minced onions.)
2 squirts of ketchup

Preheat the oven to 350.

Step 1. Mix all of the ingredients in a large bowl. Use your hands, as you will have to get them dirty when you shape the loaf. Blend all the ingredients into the meat so that the surface is no longer gritty from the breadcrumbs. This is the bulk of the prep time for the meat loaf. It will only take about 30 seconds to a minute to shape and stick into the oven!

Step 2. Shaping the loaf. Roll the mix into a ball to make sure all the meat sticks together. Shape it like half a football, but do not over-thin the ends and do not flatten the top. Really you can have fun and shape this in different ways, but try to keep it at a pretty thick and consistent height so that the ends do not cook too much faster than the middle.

**Note** Some recipes call for you to use a greased bread loaf pan. This works if you want your loaf to be rectangular in shape, and the slices squared.

Step 3. Place the loaf on a pan (a sheet of foil on the pan makes clean-up a cinch!), and put on a middle rack in the oven. Bake at 350 for 1 hour.

Since this has a long cook time, you will have plenty of time to finish WG and possibly get some dailies finished. Remember to set in-game timers if you want to be reminded when it’s been about an hour.

When finished your meatloaf should be browned, and you can test the center of the loaf to make sure that it is cooked through. Let it sit for 5 minutes before you slice.

**Tips** If your mixture seems to moist to roll, add some more breadcrumbs. If it seems dry and gritty, add some more of the canned tomatoes.


  1. is there any gluten-free substitute i can use instead of bread crumbs?

  2. You could try some crushed corn flakes or rice crackers that are gluten-free.
